
I can't lose weight

I can't lose weight


This is a common statement from those people with a desire to lose weight and regain a lean frame but have been unable to achieve this dream. I can't lose weight 

It is a sign of losing hope in undertaking grueling exercises or eating healthy all because there is no hope in sight after all. You may have lost hope in your goal to lose weight because of misinformation as well as the failure to find the right products and setting unrealistic targets in attaining your goal.

However, the truth is that everyone can lose weight no matter how many pounds you are weighing thus do not lose hope just yet.


If you have gotten to that point where you are telling yourself ‘I can’t lose weight’, here a number of tips that you can consider are revive your dream.
First, you must have good understanding of the importance of good nutrition to the body. This will play a major role in determining your choices and decisions regarding the foods that your eat and exercises. Ultimately, you must be willing to embrace a lifestyle change.

First, determine how much weight you would like to lose. This is because you cannot sayI can’t lose weight when you do not know how much weight you desire to lose.

Thus, get to know your current weight and come up with a realistic target and a period within which to achieve your target. This helps you to then come up with a realistic exercise program and diet.

Secondly, be sure to have your breakfast, as this is a very important meal of the day because it helps in jump starting metabolism so that your body burns fat throughout the day. Even then, you must ensure that you include the right foods.

Thirdly, consider having small portions of healthy foods during the day mainly fruits and vegetables. These have high fiber content yet they will keep you from eating unhealthy foods that have high calories. Moreover, they also increase your metabolism enabling the body to burn more calories. Many people who say I can’t lose weight often over eat without observing their caloric intake making their weight loss prospects a far-fetched dream.

The fourth things you need to do is limit your carbohydrate intake. If you have gotten to a point where you are saying I can’t lose weight, it is likely that your meals contain high carbohydrates.
Thus, although you burn some calories when you work out your calorie intake is equally high thereby making no difference to your weight loss quest. Finally, you need to be mindful of the kind of fat that you include in your diet, do exercises regularly and increase your water intake.


Most importantly learn to exercise patience, as you will begin to see the results over time. Remember the change that you so much desire is not an event but a process. In summary, before you rush to say I can’t lose weight, sit down and take stock of your eating habits and exercises alongside the information that you have on healthy living in order to be sure that you are on the right track.